Tuesday, December 28, 2010


School is starting next week but I'm still in holiday mood. Gahhh.. Have been stuck at home for ages. Seriously, whenever I on the computer, other than twitter, I don't know what to do with it. SO BORED. I think by the time school starts, I'm already dead with boredom. Sheeesh~ The weather is good today but its pretty chilly now~ People, remember to bring along a jacket when you go out~ Take care of your health as its your first priority. That's all for now~


Sunday, December 26, 2010


It has been awhile since I last updated. Sorry about that. My life is pretty boring. I stay at home most of the time so... ^-^ Its December! (Well, obviously. Its already 25th, I mean 26th December.) Things I want to say are:
1. JYP Audition
2. N' Level Results
3. Christmas
So we will start of with the JYP audition. I was pretty nervous when I arrived at the audition venue. There were a lot of participants there! Kept practicing  and practicing inside my head. So.. I went in, sang and screwed up at the end. Overall was a AWESOMELY FUN WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE THAT I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET IN MY LIFE!!! It was a blast!!!!! Met new friends and FINALLY met Jaeyoung(I prefer calling her Jaeyoung than Joan). Okay, lets move on to the next segment of the post for today.

N' Level Results: Passed.
Remark(s): Promoted to Sec 5
Comment(s): I'm glad that I made it to Sec 5 but my results for the overall exam didn't turn out what I wanted. Gonna do my very best next year!! I did my best for this as well but I think I can go for a 110% instead of just 100%. Next year will be a tough battle with the papers. Gonna aim high and dream big.

FINALLY!!! ITS CHRISTMAS!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Went for church services and to tell you the truth, I'm touched. The songs have its own meaning. As you sing along, you will find yourself fighting the urge to cry. For me at least. Great experience and I learnt a lot about God and Jesus Christ. Its fun and exciting! But pretty tired for me cause I only slept for 2 hours and I have to wake up and prepare. :S

That is all for now!! Will post again when its New Year. And look forward to a new essay coming up. ^-^
